


Since 2005, Shashi Sales And Marketing has been a leading super-stockiest (C & F) in Eastern UP. We have been able to build a strong relationship with Manufacturers even during the COVID times. We have worked and have been working with clients like Cintu, Mahak, JP Sweets and more. Try our 17 years of experience and connections.

'Shashi Sales & Marketing, consistently growing as an IT firm.'

After 20 years of excellent Service as a Sales Officer, Mr. Tiwari had a good catch in Retailing and Distribution. He found this distributing firm and named it Shashi Sales & Marketing. It was registered in June 2005 as a Sole Proprietor in Prayagraj District (formerly Allahabad), located in the state of Uttar Pradesh of Country India.

The firm began as a wholesale with salty snacks at the beginning with unimaginable difficulties during the first month. With the challenges on the way and to cater to the market demand, the firm had to jump into Chocolate Industry, which began by importing Mixed Fennel from City Mathura and some chocolates from Company' GiveMe' located in City Ghaziabad. The first year was highly challenging for any other startup in the Market because it was hard to create a network and connect with clients when there were hardly any Online Social media.

Shashi Sales encountered an opportunity in 2006 when Flavored Wafers named Dhoom came into the local Market by Organization' Kiddo'. This opportunity worked out exceptionally well. Shashi Sales & Marketing got wings, and this startup was now into Retailing and Wholesaling. Kiddo's life span was short, but two years of success was enough to mark its flag in the Market. Since the business reached its stability in the first three years, there were plenty of other opportunities to grab in the Market. 

Jaypee sweets and other organizations from Hyderabad have been the backbone for several years. Mahak and many other Manufacturers tried approaching us, but we kept our areas limited and grew as a brand in the local Market for ten years. They have invested in properties and Education to support the backbone stronger. This firm was no more a startup in debt and was able to make its mark among Confectionaries and Retailers across India.

Upcoming years were a bit challenging; in 2016, since our firm was running on 60% Cash, we had to switch to online payment gateways due to Demonetization. And then the Introduction of GST also had a considerable impact. However, nothing stopped this firm from continuing its progress and staying successful & competitive in the Market. Prayagraj had limited distribution areas, so this firm expanded itself across multiple cities in UP East & West.

We are a leading Super-Stockiest now shifting our ways from offline to Online as this world needs and have expanded into the IT/BESG sector and CAE/FAE Engineering Services. Know more!

Key Pillars & Success Mantras

Shashi Sales dot com success mantras over the years

Check how are we expanding now?

We have acquired SCS LLC (a Florida Based company) and are now an Outsourcing Company offering CAE/FAE Engineering Services, Technical Support/Network Support/L1/L1.5/Service Desk Solutions. Know More!

What is affiliate marketing? Read This Blog Curated to explain about affiliate marketing. How disting clients are engaged?

Affiliate marketing utilises the skills of a range of people for a more successful marketing approach while giving contributors a piece of the profit since it works by dividing the responsibility of product promotion and creation between parties. Three parties must cooperate for this to succeed: Seller, Publisher and Consumer.

Harassment at workplace is not gender-specific

In a recent article, I came across two female employees who were pulled up for low performance by their male Superintendent. This Senior attempted to discipline the girls by spanking them with a rod. The girls were brave enough to report the same to their complaints committee, which took legal action against the Senior.